UGC NET June 2009 Library & Information Science Questions
1.What is WIPO?
Explain its functions.
2.What is ‘Right to Information Act’. Explain its essential ingredients.
3.Mention the important publications on IASLIC.
4.Distinguish between print and electronic source information.
5.Enumerate the key parameters for evaluation of web resource.
6.Define ‘Digest’ and explain the steeps involved in its preparation.
7.What is RDA explain its initiatives.
8.What are the standards devised for exchange of electronic information?
9.Explain the concept of information consolidation and repacking.10.What is Bandwidth?11.Describe application of XML.
12.What is Web Browser?
13.State the disingvisty feature of DOI and URL.
14.Explain ‘Sampling error’ with examples.Distinguish Digital Library from Virtual Library.
15.Distinguish Digital Library from Virtual Library.
1.Discuss the economic and social implications of information in the knowledge Society.
2.Enumerate the stat which has enacted Library legislation in India so far.
3.Define a database. Describe the various types of database with suitable examples.4.Examine the need for classification and cataloguing in digital era.5.Explain the different bibliographic standards available for library practices.
1.The emerging trends in ICT have revolutionized the pattern of information seeking and use in libraries. How information literacy programmes help to improve the usage of information.OrKnowledge Management is a fate of corporate sector. State the extent to which the contemporary librarians can claim as Knowledge Managers.
The scenario of collection building underwent sea changes with the advent of electronic resource. In the light of the statement discuss the collection development policy required in the 21st century.